Monday, March 26, 2012

Read Only MDF LDF files

I have a couple of SQL database files, MDF and LDF, that were distributed on
CD media (they came w/ a Microsoft Press book).
I can attach the database, but it is read only. However, if I try to set
the DB to not read-only, I get an error:
Error 5105: Device activation error. They physical file name "C:\program
files\microsoft sql server\MSSQL$MYINSTANCE01\Data\Contacts.MDF" may be
Could not restart database "contactsdb". Reverting to old status.
ALTER DATABASE statement failed
sp_dboption command failed.
If I set the files to NOT read-only (they were read only since they were
copied from a CD), the DB gets marked suspect and/or I get the error 9003:
The LSN (12:32:1) passed to log scan in statbase "contacts" is invalid.
How am I supposed to attach this dataabase in a write-enabled mode?
Martin SchmidIt sounds like the files might be bad, and I don't think just marking them
readable in the file system would do that. You could try just copying the
MDF file to the local directory (leaving the LDF on the CD), changing the
file's readonly attribute, and then try attaching the mdf only (maybe with
sp_attach_single_file_db. It might be able to build a new log for you.
Good Luck
Kalen Delaney
SQL Server MVP
"Martin Schmid" <> wrote in message
> I have a couple of SQL database files, MDF and LDF, that were distributed
> CD media (they came w/ a Microsoft Press book).
> I can attach the database, but it is read only. However, if I try to set
> the DB to not read-only, I get an error:
> Error 5105: Device activation error. They physical file name "C:\program
> files\microsoft sql server\MSSQL$MYINSTANCE01\Data\Contacts.MDF" may be
> incorrect.
> Could not restart database "contactsdb". Reverting to old status.
> ALTER DATABASE statement failed
> sp_dboption command failed.
> If I set the files to NOT read-only (they were read only since they were
> copied from a CD), the DB gets marked suspect and/or I get the error 9003:
> The LSN (12:32:1) passed to log scan in statbase "contacts" is invalid.
> How am I supposed to attach this dataabase in a write-enabled mode?
> --
> Thanks,
> Martin Schmid
>|||I DON'T want the DB read only... the file is marked read only because it was
copied from READ ONLY media.
Martin Schmid, EIT, CCSA, MCDBA, MCSE
"Jens Süßmeyer" <jsuessmeyer@.[REJECT_SPAM]> wrote in message
> Hi Martin !
> Even you want the database to be read-only. you cannot achieve it by
> the attribute to read-only, because during normal database checkpoints are
> written to the LOG-Files and the database. What you can do is to copy the
> set the attribute to writeable and set the database (logically) to
> so that only records can be read.
> HTH, Jens Süßmeyer.
> "Martin Schmid" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> news:eA32Y5AeDHA.2304@.TK2MSFTNGP11.phx.gbl...
> > I have a couple of SQL database files, MDF and LDF, that were
> on
> > CD media (they came w/ a Microsoft Press book).
> >
> > I can attach the database, but it is read only. However, if I try to
> > the DB to not read-only, I get an error:
> > Error 5105: Device activation error. They physical file name
> > files\microsoft sql server\MSSQL$MYINSTANCE01\Data\Contacts.MDF" may be
> > incorrect.
> > Could not restart database "contactsdb". Reverting to old status.
> > ALTER DATABASE statement failed
> > sp_dboption command failed.
> >
> > If I set the files to NOT read-only (they were read only since they were
> > copied from a CD), the DB gets marked suspect and/or I get the error
> > The LSN (12:32:1) passed to log scan in statbase "contacts" is invalid.
> >
> > How am I supposed to attach this dataabase in a write-enabled mode?
> >
> > --
> > Thanks,
> > Martin Schmid
> >
> >
>|||Perfect! Thanks.
Martin Schmid, EIT, CCSA, MCDBA, MCSE
"Kalen Delaney" <> wrote in message
> It sounds like the files might be bad, and I don't think just marking them
> readable in the file system would do that. You could try just copying the
> MDF file to the local directory (leaving the LDF on the CD), changing the
> file's readonly attribute, and then try attaching the mdf only (maybe with
> sp_attach_single_file_db. It might be able to build a new log for you.
> Good Luck
> --
> --
> Kalen Delaney
> SQL Server MVP
> "Martin Schmid" <> wrote in message
> news:eA32Y5AeDHA.2304@.TK2MSFTNGP11.phx.gbl...
> > I have a couple of SQL database files, MDF and LDF, that were
> on
> > CD media (they came w/ a Microsoft Press book).
> >
> > I can attach the database, but it is read only. However, if I try to
> > the DB to not read-only, I get an error:
> > Error 5105: Device activation error. They physical file name
> > files\microsoft sql server\MSSQL$MYINSTANCE01\Data\Contacts.MDF" may be
> > incorrect.
> > Could not restart database "contactsdb". Reverting to old status.
> > ALTER DATABASE statement failed
> > sp_dboption command failed.
> >
> > If I set the files to NOT read-only (they were read only since they were
> > copied from a CD), the DB gets marked suspect and/or I get the error
> > The LSN (12:32:1) passed to log scan in statbase "contacts" is invalid.
> >
> > How am I supposed to attach this dataabase in a write-enabled mode?
> >
> > --
> > Thanks,
> > Martin Schmid
> >
> >

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