Wednesday, March 28, 2012

read xml file content - sql server 2005

There is a folder which contains several different xml files.


for each xml file, how can I get the contents of the xml file and then pass it to a Stored Proc?

Is this to do with a sql function that takes the file path of the xml file, i.e. openxml or something similar?



Try this

Code Snippet

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spInsertXMLData]


@.strXML varchar(8000)



DECLARE @.iDoc int

EXECUTE sp_XML_PrepareDocument @.iDoc OUTPUT, @.strXML

INSERT INTO Test (col1, col2, col3)

(SELECT * FROM OpenXML(@.iDoc, '/parentnode/childnode/,2) WITH

(col1 varchar(100),

col2 varchar(100),

col3 varchar(100)))

EXECUTE sp_XML_RemoveDocument @.iDoc


This sp will accept the contents of an XML file and insert it into a table, all you need to do is to read the contents of the XML file into a string\varchar variable and pass it as a paramater to the sp.




yes, This is what I am doing down the line but first I would like to know how to read all the contents of the xml file as say varchar.



Yes you can..

Code Snippet

--SQL Server 2005

Declare @.Path as varchar(100);

Set @.Path = 'C:\Mani.Xml'

Create table #xmlcontent


Xml varchar(max)


Insert into #xmlcontent

Exec ('SELECT Cast(BulkColumn as Nvarchar(max)) FROM OPENROWSET(BULK ''' + @.Path + ''', SINGLE_CLOB) as D')

Select XML From #XMLContent

Code Snippet

--SQL Server 2000

Declare @.Path as varchar(100);

Set @.Path = 'C:\Mani.Xml'

Set @.Path = 'Type ' + @.Path

Create Table #XMLLines


Line Varchar(8000)


Insert Into #XMLLines

Exec xp_cmdshell @.Path

Select * from #XMLLines



This is how I have done it using ActiveX Scripting in a DTS package

Code Snippet

Const DB_CONNECT_STRING = "" ' SQL Connection String
Const XMLPath = "" 'Enter UNC file Path

Function Main()
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
End Function

Private Function ReadHTML(strFileName)
Dim filesys
Dim readFile
Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set readFile = filesys.opentextfile(strFileName, 1, False)
ReadHTML =
Set filesys = Nothing
Set readFile = Nothing
End Function

Private Sub RunImport()
Dim cnn1
Dim strExportFiles, fso, File
Dim FileContents
Set cnn1 = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set strExportFiles = fso.GetFolder(XMLPath).Files
For Each File In strExportFiles
FileContents = ReadHTML(File)
Dim strSQL
strSQL = "spInsertXMLData @.strXML = " + "'" & FileContents & "'"
cnn1.execute (strSQL)
End Sub

This will loop through a specified directory and read the contents of each file to a varchar and run the sp.



Using sql 2005

error is :

Cannot bulk load. The file "C:\aud_df.xml" does not exist

The file is indeed in that location.



this seems to work on the server but not the local machine.?

Do you know why?


Yes. It will read the data from client only.

Try with Server UNC path.. \\servername\folder\file.xml



I think this is because it is looking for the file in a differnet location if you use a UNC path it should be fine i.e. \\sql\xml files\xmlfile1.xml



What do you mean by UNC please?

Please note the files are located on my local machines and I am running the sql query analyser from my local machine too.




You are running sql query analyser from your local machine, but I am assuming SQL server itself is running on the server, therefore when you specify C:\aud_df.xml SQL will look on the servers c:\ drive for the file not your local PC's c:\drive.

So you need to specify the full path including your computername in order for SQL to see the file. You will probably also need to setup a share on your local PC. Alternatively copy the xml files to the server and it should work.

|||Many thanks|||

This sounds like a perfect job for SSIS!!

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