I want to be able to read a file from a certain directory. But the file name changes every day. So today its File20061203 tomorrow File20061304 or the next day it could be FileNB4434. The format in the file will always be the same though. I just want for a user to be able to drop a file in a directory and the package pick it up once a day.
Would I have to to create a script task or could I use a variable. I have been trying to use the variable but have not been able to get them to work. This calls for only looking for 1 text file in a folder but any additional links that show some good variable examples would be appreciated. One where only part of the variable changes File(Variable)Division.txt
Thanks in advance
Try using the ForEach Loop Container with a file enumerator. That will store the file name in a variable you specify. Set the connect string on the File connection manager by using an expression (@.User:<name of your variable>).
Normally the Loop container is used when you have a number of files, but it works just fine with one.
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